Sunday, March 24, 2013

Precision polymers, dendrimers

Extending the Limits of Precision Polymer Synthesis: Giant Polyphenylene Dendrimers in the Mega Dalton Mass Range Approaching Structural Perfection

Thi-Thanh-Tam Nguyen , Martin Baumgarten , Ali Rouhanipour , Hans Joachim Raeder , Ingo Lieberwirth , and Klaus Mullen

This paper reports the synthesis and characterization of the first megadalton polyaromatic dendrimer (and earlier generation dendrimers).  They got beautiful, albeit broad, MALDI spectra, narrow GPC traces (remarkably, even for late-generation species), and TEM images of these gigantic molecules.  The synthesis was achieved via D.A. chemistry/deprotection of alkynes.

Abstract Image

1 comment:

  1. I work for an immigration attorney who has a client with vast experience working with phosphorus dendrimers. His client would like to continue her research with phosphorus dendrimers in the United States, and we feel the United States could greatly benefit from her expertise. We are looking for an expert who would be willing to review our client’s publications and the like and, if appropriate, write a letter attesting to the importance of our client’s work and her extraordinary level of expertise in the field. Please contact me if this is something you would be interested in doing. Of course, reasonable compensation will be provided for your services. Please email me at if interested.
